Re: Stop Signs

This feature has already been requested before. In accordance with the Forum Rules please search before posting. Details for how best to search this forum are covered in this sticky note at the top of this forum. See: Add in traffic control devices? & Is it possible to add a traffic lights?

Also, I think this is probably more suited for the Waze App Feature Requests forum.

Searching these forums is a joke. Additionally, if the search results turn up a thread that has been dormant, the user will get yelled at for thread necromancy.

My reply to the OP is this: do we really want to have to add in every stop sign in the world? Perhaps once Google has perfected their streetview’s planned scan and read/ocr of every sign Waze can get that data from then. As it is there are still many small towns in the US that still need a basic cleanup of their roads to achieve basic functionality, let alone get every intersection properly flagged with the correct signs facing the correct directions.

Tapatalking via my Galaxy S4

There are many places where a permanent caution message to “Watch out!” for something is advisable.
A stop sign might rarely be such a hazard. We sure don’t want every stop sign mapped or announced!

If I recall correctly, two of Waze’s goals are Usability and Simplicity. By adding Yield signs, Stop signs and traffic signals to every intersection, you’re making for a very cluttered map and an extremely verbose trip from point A to point B. Personally, I’m willing to sacrifice some “completeness” to avoid a barrage of data both on the map itself and from the audio cues while driving.

Stop signs and signals might be a little frivolous, since Waze already tracks expected time to get through a junction, in any direction, from any approach. And, the last thing Waze needs is another dramatic “WATCH OUT!” warning (like for every single stopped car on the side of the highway) that occurs so frequently during a typical drive that you want to throw your phone out the window.

Instead, what might actually be useful is to take this expected travel time through a particular junction to a second degree in measuring how confident Waze is that you’ll be able to get through that junction in the expected amount of time or faster. Mathematically, I would imagine this to be based on a function called standard deviation. Clearly, routes largely utilizing freeways with relatively lighter traffic have the least deviation. However, on routes that utilize expressways with signals, the reliability of an expected time starts to deteriorate, depending on how you catch lights. Finally, on routes that pass a lot of stop signs or otherwise unsignaled left turns at busy junctions, the expected time breaks down completely, as there is no telling how long you may have to wait.

Wouldn’t it be great if Waze could at least utilize this degree of information to present to you, along with your route options, for each route, how confident - maybe as a percentage - Waze is that you’ll arrive at or before (but not after, even by a minute) your ETA?

Like Gainesville, FL. But not just in USA. Driving on the country side in many countries shows all the errors you can imagine can exist in Waze.

Why stop there? Waze should be able to pick up on the timing of traffic lights, especially where there are Wazers not far ahead.

I would be glad to have an instruction like Turn left at 7th St unless you can make it straight through on the green light. This more closely matches an optimization that I apply navigating a known route through a city. I proceed as far as I can on green lights. When i encounter a red light, I get into the left turn lane.

Waiting to make a left turn doesn’t make sense when I could have been making progress on the current road.